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Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching is defined as a set of skills and strategies used to support peoples’ ability to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflict.  The conflict coach works one-on-one with a coachee and enables the coachee to talk openly and frankly in a confidential and safe environment, with no fear of judgement or consequence.

Through coaching techniques, the coach helps the coachee to see the situation from all perspectives, support the coachee in considering options, and help the coachee to come up with a plan of action to deal with not only the conflict that has brought them to this point but future potential conflict situations. It also serves to challenge the coachee’s perception of conflict and transform those perceptions from a destructive, to constructive mindset.


Conflict coaching can be used as a stand-alone process, or can be practiced with each of the parties in the separate individual meetings during the mediation process. 

What is the difference between Mediation and Conflict Coaching?


Minimum of 2 parties

Focus on specific relationships
Resolution and agreement focused
One off process

Conflict Coaching

1:1 Individual Support

Broader approach

Focus on individual perceptions

Short, medium, or long term process 

When is it most effective to engage a conflict coach?

Conflict coaching is not unique to the workplace and can be useful in a variety of circumstances, including divorce and post-decree situations, community disputes, family disagreements, or business conflicts etc. 

In the workplace, Conflict coaching can be used both prior and post mediation.  

If an individual is not willingly or feels they are not ready to engage in the mediation process, conflict coaching can help support that individual to get to a position where they are ready to address the situation in front of them and effectively participate in any alternative processes, such as mediation.

Conflict coaching after a mediation can be as equally beneficial especially in assisting a party cope with any adverse impact of the mediation, such as lack of resilience, ongoing unresolved emotions and issues and/or relationship dynamics, and to ensure the experience results in sustainable learning moving forward.


What are the benefits of Conflict Coaching?


For the individual taking part, conflict coaching can:

  • Promote real learning and self-reflection.

  • Embed learning and help to sustain changes in behaviour.

  • Enable individuals to better understand different people styles or communication styles.

  • Build individual’s confidence in adapting styles and engaging in difficult conversations.

  • Reconcile conflict situations by improving understanding and enabling individuals to move forward more positively.

  • Prepare for participation in mediation.

  • Address matters that may arise post-mediation

If you think that conflict coaching could help you and would like to find out more information, please contact us through our Contact page and we will be more than happy to discuss our services with you further.

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